AD Sept 8

Cozy Lighting Reigns Supreme

Lighting is all too often an afterthought in the design process. The truth is, lighting needs to be addressed as soon as you know how you’ll use the space. When you walk into a room bathed in cozy, inviting light, you feel instantly at ease. But walk into the same room with buzzing or harsh fluorescents, and your teeth may start to grind. Selecting the right lighting for your design project is about more than just a pretty lamp or cool fixture. Just like how one ingredient can make or break a backing cake, the wrong lighting disrupts a space.

When it comes to choosing size, the rule of thumb is a happy medium between too big and too small. Try out a few, and you’ll start to see the difference. It’s almost overwhelming the amount of lighting choices we have these days, so when you’re asking yourself if you want nickel, chrome, or gunmetal, remember that architects and designers are here to help.

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