
The Difference Between Contemporary and Modern Style

The names contemporary and modern can lead some to believe they’re the same, but rest assured, both are distinct stylistic movements. Contemporary design refers to what’s happening right now as we live and breathe. Anything currently trending in the interior design world is contemporary. At this moment, it’s straightforward silhouettes, uncluttered rooms, and organic accents. Modernism, on the other hand, is the style of the early to mid-twentieth century. It combines mid-century modern with industrial elements. Think industrial revolution mixed with the 1950s: sleek surfaces, geometric patterns, exposed beams and brick, and a whole lot of glass.

When it gets down to it, contemporary design will continue to evolve, where modern design refers to a specific period in time. At some point, some 50 years from now, what’s popular today will become its own named style.

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